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서브 컨텐츠 섹션

WSVP Series

01Operating principle
  • What is a vacuum pump?

    To create a vacuuin in a system it is necessary to move all of the molecules of gas out of the system. The molecules will move only if there is a pressure difference between the two regions of the spice. The low pressure region is the space with the smaller number of molecules, while the high pressure region is the space with the larger number of molecules.

  • 날개회전식 펌프

    The structure of the WSVP pump is shown in Figure 1-1 (a). It consists of a lotta and an eccentric cylinder front and back cover. Figure 1-1 (b) illustrates the operating principle. As shown in 1, Figure 4 shows the wings passing through the inlet of the wing. The gas inhaled together is trapped between the wings. as shown in Figure 5. It starts to compress after passing the valve.
    When the valve is sufficiently compressed and over 850 Torr, compressed gases are released out through the exhaust valve.

02Simple pump schematic
03Technical information
04Pumping Speed
05External dimension